Conservation and Monitoring Sea Turtle Activities Along the Northern Coast of Cameroon
Effective involvement of Local Fishermen in the Conservation of Sea Turtles Along the Northern Coastline of Cameroon
Although very little is known about sea in Cameroon, there is strong evidence that the species are threatened. This project sick to reduce data gap and raise awareness with the aim to improve their local conservation status.
Fisherman presenting sea turtle nest to the technicians.
Cameroon has about 400 km of Atlantic shoreline that is mostly sandy with some rocky coast. Several studies have been conducted in the southern part of the Coast, from down to Campo (border city with Equatorial Guinea) up to Yoyo (in the Douala-Edea Wildlife reserve). However, very little research effort on sea turtle has been done in the northern part of the coastline (down from Tiko city to the Bakassi area, boarder with Nigeria). Four species of sea turtles occur in Cameroon including the Olive Ridley, leatherback, hawksbill and green sea turtles occur along the Cameroon coast. The olive Ridley is the most abundant sea turtle species in the south coast of Cameroon.
Sea turtles in the south coastline of Cameroon suffer from Poaching of nesting females, harvesting of sea turtle nests, by-catch by traditional and industrial fishing and pollution through urbanization. Sea turtles in the north coastline might suffer the same threats. However, only very few research and conservation efforts have been implemented in the northern coast of Cameroon. Consequently, the sea turtle species there are not known and might undergo unknown extinctions.
The goal of this project is to contribute to the conservation status of sea turtles in the south coastline of Cameroon. The specific objectives of this project are:
(1) Build local capacity in beach monitoring, bycatch reporting, improving nesting success and in raising awareness;
(2) Collect baseline scientific data to evaluate the population status of sea turtle in northern shoreline of Cameroon
(3) Evaluate and raise the level of local awareness on the protection status of sea turtles by sensitizing at least 50% of the people living around critical nesting areas.
This project will generate baseline data to compare sea turtle population in the northern coastline with other turtle nesting sites, will reduce illegal nest harvesting and poaching of nesting females. The project will also build local capacity to monitor sea turtles and raise awareness among the local population living around nesting and feeding area.