Effective involvement of Local Fishermen in the Conservation of Sea Turtles Along the Northern Coastline of Cameroon

Aristide Takoukam Kamla

Other projects

22 Nov 2016

Baseline Study and Conservation of Sea Turtles in the Northern Coastline of Cameroon

30 Oct 2020

Conservation and Monitoring Sea Turtle Activities Along the Northern Coast of Cameroon

Cameroon coast is home for four of the seven species of sea turtles globally threatened by human activities. On the Northern part of Cameroon coast, the main threat was poaching that we have addressed to reduce by 50% at least, in 3 years. Data recorded through the SIREN mobile app by the network of fishermen from 2018 to date revealed that 55% of sea turtle sightings are accidentally captured individuals while the remaining 45% include life sightings, nestings, stranding and poaching. Bycatch in small-scale fisheries appears to be the main threat of sea turtles on the northern coast of Cameroon.

Cedrick Fogwan (left) and Guy Mengoue (right) measuring the temperature of a marine turtle’s nest.  © AMMCO

Cedrick Fogwan (left) and Guy Mengoue (right) measuring the temperature of a marine turtle’s nest. © AMMCO

Thus, this project aims to counteract and mitigate bycatch of marine turtles’ bycatch through research and monitoring of fishing activities, outreach and rehabilitation/rescuing bycaught and injured turtles.

Header: Nest of an olive ridley turtle. © Aristide Kamla.

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