20 Jan 2016 Gidakom Forest, Bhutan, Indian Sub-continent Amphibians | Education
To generate realistic scientific finding on diversity, distribution and threats of frogs in the different forest type and on farm land under the catchment of Gidakom forest by involving local communities for awareness creation
This project mainly focuses on scientific investigation on diversity, distribution and threats of frogs in the catchment area of Gidakom forest. The catchment area consists of morethan13000 hactre of blue pine forest in the lower altitude, followed by mixed conifer and open area above 3900msl. More than 500 households are located in the catchment area whose primary occupation is agriculture and livestock rearing.The altitude of the study area ranges from 2300msl in the lower valley to 3600 msl in the upper valley. The location of the project is 40 kilometer from Thimphu (Capital). The area is common site for timber, NWFP, mining extraction and also there is centuries long tradition of cattle grazing by local communities.
There is no separate documented information on diversity and distribution of amphibian in the catchment area. So this project would be first of its kind to high light the information on diversity and distribution of frogs.
Therefore baseline information of any frog species is fundamental for comprehensive scientific study to declare its present status and to frame necessary site based conservation activity if necessary. So this current project would not only provide valuable information of the local frog’s species but also provide stepping stone for interested conservationist or biologist and to frame the development of policy goals for conservation of biodiversity. The study is expected to explore the type of conservation threats the particular group of species has been facing, so that site specific conservation approach can be implemented to address the conservation issues in near future. It will also assist the Government in a small way in meeting the national and international commitments and goal for conservation of biodiversity. Creating awareness on conservation of amphibian to local community and school going children is one of the fundamental project components for long term conservation success. Finally the team will come up with final report and conservation recommendation to share the finding with relevant agencies involved for conservation.