10 Jun 2015 Idukki, India, Indian Sub-continent Habitats | Bats
Study on Chiroptera Specifically Focusing on Endemic and Endangered Species Conservation Status and Ecosystem Service in the Mountains of Southern Western Ghats
To study the bat distribution, habitat, and echo calls, activity pattern and foraging behaviour and their impact in forest and agro-ecosystem. Conduct conservation awareness programs to the tribal community, Local communities, students and forest department staff.
High Range Mountain Idukki Landscape (HRIML) is extremely rich biological diversity especially in chiroptera diversity.
Bat conservation initiative will be undertaken through status surveys, recording of echolocation calls, analysis of activity patterns and their impact on the ecosystem of Idukki landscape. Harp traps, mist net and bat detectors will be used for surveying bats. Bat roosting places and caves will be identified with the help of tribal, other local people, forest department workers and non-governmental and other governmental agencies work for the biodiversity conservation. The survey will explain to the environment monitoring policy makers about the roles of bats in the ecosystem, in agricultural pollination and pest control, along with bat identification, and the importance of conserving bat roosts
Tribal community, local communities, students and forest department staff will be the main target groups for conservation awareness programs. Through persistent training to forest department staff, non-government and other government agencies staff working in the forest area. Creation of awareness and conservation related education programme among the students and local people through talks, interactions, and presentations. Involving local community for survey and bat study work, so that they can be directly involved in the activity on identification of bat species and documenting the ecological importance of bats and their conservation needs.