7 Jul 2009 Shurobod, Tajikistan, Asia Plants
Enhancing Conservation of Rare and Endangered Plant Species by Conduction of Field Researches and Increasing the Level of Public Awareness in Eastern Khatlon, Tajikistan (Second Phase)
This project will study the current state of rare and endangered plant species in the areas of natural vegetation, identify the influence of anthropogenic factors on the species and conduct awareness campaigns among target rural population and students.
Petilium eduardii (endangered sort of Red Book of Tajikistan).
South Tajikistan, as a specific region, is the place of origin of several endemic and relict species most of which are experiencing pressure on the part of humankind and are almost extinct. This is why the problem of preservation of rare and endangered species listed in the Red Book of Tajikistan is of vital importance. Anthropogenic pressure over nature is increasing everywhere. People are oppressing plants leaving them fewer territories with untouched natural complexes. This is why the issue of protection of rare and endangered plants through conduction of surveys and raising awareness of rural inhabitants especially in South Tajikistan, is so important.
Juno rosenbachianum (endemic and endangered sort).
The problem of biological variety reduction in Muminobod and Shurobod districts of Southern Tajikistan, besides ecological importance, also has a strongly pronounced social aspect. At the moment, the given problem is underestimated by the population of the target area as well as local authorities. Therefore, special attention is required towards the preservation of biodiversity and raising awareness of local community of the abovementioned area. The program has been developed with specific focus on the biodiversity of target area and provides research opportunities in the following areas:
Tulipa praestans (endemic and endangered sort of Red Book of Tajikistan).
1. The Initial stage is connected, with special researches in the nature to find out ecological and biological features of researched groups of species and place of their dwelling, where it is possible to take necessary materials for duplication of their population without any damage;
2. Experiments on cultivation of rare and endangered species in the Botanical Garden of Kulob town;
3. Creation of a site of rare and endangered species with the purpose of allowing students, pupils and the local population to visit and in doing so promoting the issues surrounding the protection, multiplication and spread of these species in the nature;
4. Increase the knowledge of rural population on preservation of biodiversity through conduction of awareness campaigns and trainings.