Keeled Box Turtle, Vietnam

8 Dec 2003 Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam, Asia Forests | Mammals | Turtles

Timothy McCormack & Bui Dang Phong

Radio telementry study on the wild ecology and home range of the keeled Box Turtle at Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam

© Tim McCormack.

© Tim McCormack.

The Keeled Box Turtle (Pyxidea mouhotii) is a terrestrial Asian turtle, for which destruction of forest habitat and widespread collection for trade represent a serious threat to the future of this poorly known species in the wild.  International concern over the volume of trade of this species has resulted in its addition to the IUCN red listing 2002 as “endangered”.

The project will include a year long radio telemetry study of the Box Turtle in the wild, with a supplemental captive research component involving turtles confiscated from the illegal trade.  The aim of the study will be to establish baseline information about the habitat, home range and ecology of the species in order to develop a conservation management plan that will address conservation and protection needs. In addition the team will undertake student training and a turtle conservation poster will be produced and circulated.

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