Continued Development of Community-Based Marine Turtle Monitoring and Conservation Education along the Liberian Bassa Coastline

Trokon Saykpa

Other projects

3 Apr 2013

Coastal Protection of Sea Turtles in Bassa Point, Little Bassa and Edina

17 Sep 2014

Continued Development of a Community-Based Marine Turtle Conservation Project in Bassa Point, Little Bassa and Edina

13 Sep 2017

Support for Community-Based Marine Turtle Monitoring and Conservation Education Project along the Liberian Bassa Coastline

The long-term goal of this project is to protect endangered sea turtle species in partnership with the local communities.

Leatherback free from fishing net and released. © John Peezed

Leatherback free from fishing net and released. © John Peezed

This project is a development of an on-going and long-term marine turtle conservation initiative required to improve the status of marine turtles occurring on beaches in Liberia. The long-term goal of this project is to protect endangered sea turtles in partnership with local communities. The project's main activities will be implemented on the beaches around Little Bassa community. It will involve sea turtle monitoring, research, public awareness-raising, conservation education in local schools and community development and livelihood projects.

The project’s primary objectives are:

- to protect sea turtles and their nests around the year;

- to improve the quality and availability of awareness-raising and educational materials;

- to contribute to small-scale community development and livelihood projects.

This project targets three of the four marine turtle species known to occur on the beaches along the Liberian coastline – the Olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), the Leatherback (Demochelys coriacea), and the Green turtle (Chelonia Mydas). These marine turtle species are listed by the IUCN as “Vulnerable”, and “Endangered”.

The project will:

- Continue the on-going beach and bycatch monitoring including daily beach patrols and inspection of local fisheries within the target area;

- Involve the training of local school teachers to carry out conservation education in local schools;

- Train the local enforcement officer’s station within the area to increase protection for sea turtles especially for unprotected areas surrounding the project region;

- Produce educational materials about nature conservation, sea turtles and their conservation for local schools and tourists;

- Involve at least 150 school children in conservation outreach programmes;

- involve the distribution of solar charging lamps for local communities and schools which will serve as benefit for their support to the project.

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