The Gorilla of Lobeke National Park, Habitat Use, Behaviour and Interactions with People

7 Dec 2012 Lobeke National Park, Cameroon, Africa Mammals | Primates

Samuel Christian Tsakem

The project aims to contribute to the management of gorillas in the park through a knowledge of their habitat use, behaviour and their interaction with peoples.


This research is based on the fact that poaching and trade in gorillas at the Lobeke National Park and trafficking of young animals abroad are high. Gorillas’ in sites in the other two countries of the Sangha Tri-National Landscape (Central African Republic and Congo) are already habituated and constitute the major resource for tourism. This facilitates visual tourism and constitutes a huge source of revenue for the state and the population.

Despite the fact that this species and the elephant are the are the focus of touristic attraction in the Lobeke National Park managers have very little knowledge of it habitat use and behaviour. The gorilla is regularly quoted by the population as responsible for crop damage. This situation could exacerbate widespread dissatisfaction by the population who already find it very difficult to support the conservation of these animal species which they still consider as their source of animal protein. To fill this gap, I proposed to conduct this research on habitat suitability and behaviour of gorillas in the Lobeke National Park in South East Cameroon.

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