The Promotion and Upscaling of Conservation Education, Participation and Awareness Creation for the Conservation of Eyasi Basin, Tanzania

26 Feb 2015 Eyasi Basin, Tanzania, Africa Communities | Habitats

Veronica Jenge

Other projects

19 Sep 2013

Multi-Functional Assessment and Strengthening of Wetland Biodiversity, Livelihood and Economic Value in Eyasi Basin, Tanzania

We hope to use the project to foster sustained local campaigns to raise community awareness of the important ecosystem services provided by wetlands, including there social, economic and cultural values.

Local artificat sold by women from the community around the basin.

Local artificat sold by women from the community around the basin.

The project will demonstrate that Conservation, Education, Participation and Awareness processes are effective in achieving Ramsar’s wetland wise use objectives at the global and local levels. This will also involve the integration of the CEPA processes into all levels of policy development and planning in Eyasi basin. The development of coordinating mechanisms for communications between water and wetlands and CEPA lead players in the implementation of local community Improving the individual and collective capacity and opportunities of the people to participate in and contribute to using wetlands wisely through developing and promoting guidance aimed at key actors like water, farmers and land managers in Eyasi basin.

This inclusion will have a lasting effect in the management of the swamp and also support and develop mechanisms to ensure multi-stakeholder participation in wetland management by engaging the community in activities such as surveys, monitoring and other activities. This will continuously develop the trust and mutual understanding of not only the project but general view of sustainability and environmental protection. We hope to use the gains made from the first phase of the project to reach out and upscale the project goals. This we hope will have a multiplier effect onto other villages within the region.

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