11 Apr 2006 Maharashtra, India, Indian Sub-continent Communities | People
Training Maharahtra Forest Department Personnel to Use Chemical Restraint and MIicrochips to Better Manage Man – Leopard Conflict
Using Education and Awareness to Address Human Leopard Conflict - At a National Level by Making a Documentary for Airing on National TV and at a State Level Using Education Programmes for Affected Villages in Maharashtra
National Level Media Awareness Workshops in Four High Leopard Conflict States in India
The project aims to create, publish and distribute a management document aimed at managers of all the affected states in India.
Prime adult, teeth yellowish, incisors and canines slightly worn.
Human-leopard conflict has taken on serious proportions across many states in India where more than 1000 people have been attacked in the last decade. Increased conflict erodes the support of the local people towards large cat conservation. Managers are seriously handicapped to better deal with conflict because of the lack of guidelines at various stages (prior to attacks on people, after, before trapping a leopard, after it is trapped etc.).
To remedy this I would like to create, publish and distribute a management document aimed at managers of all the affected states in India. The experience, advise of various managers, scientists and field staff of the Forest Department will be taken into consideration. Inputs of wildlife veterinarians and legal advise from lawyers who work in this field will also be incorporated into the manual. A better management of the conflict will definitely result in lowered conflict levels thereby aiding the cause of leopard conservation in India.