Promoting Community Based Conservation Efforts in Lower Humla, Nepal

1 Apr 2024 Sarkegad Rural Municipality, Lower Humla, Karnali Province, Nepal, Indian Sub-continent Biodiversity | Communities | Conflict | Education

Vidyaman Thapa

Other projects

19 Oct 2022

Empowering Local People for Biodiversity & Wildlife Conservation in Lower Humla District, Nepal

In my first Rufford Small Grant project, I focused on understanding the dynamics of human-wildlife conflict, including the species involved, mammalian distribution, and existing conservation challenges in the Sarkegad region of lower Humla. Building on this groundwork, my current project aims to explore deeper into the issue of human-wildlife conflict and its associated impacts on both local communities and wildlife. I intend to achieve this through a semi-structured questionnaire survey conducted with local households, focusing on developing and implementing strategies to mitigate conflict based on the local context.

The principal investigator (PI), engaging with locals during a workshop held in Ripa village, highlights the importance of community-based conservation efforts. © Anup Raj Shahi.

The principal investigator (PI), engaging with locals during a workshop held in Ripa village, highlights the importance of community-based conservation efforts. © Anup Raj Shahi.

Additionally, the project focuses on fostering local engagement and raising awareness among communities, students, and youths by installing conservation billboards. Recognizing the effectiveness of billboards in areas with limited access to mainstream media, I plan to utilize them to showcase informative illustrations and convey crucial conservation messages.

I will establish eco-clubs in two high schools in the Sarkegad region, aimed at educating and empowering students in environmental conservation and leadership development. Drawing from successful models in upper Humla led by UKALI, we aspire to provide regular capacity-building sessions and facilitate knowledge exchange with other eco-clubs in the region, nurturing future conservation leaders.

I aim to capture and share local stories and conservation challenges through a storytelling documentary. These narratives will emphasize the significance of biodiversity conservation and address threats such as human-wildlife conflict, poaching, habitat loss, and other environmental issues in the Sarkegad Rural Municipality, with a long-term goal of promoting human-wildlife coexistence.

Header: A glimpse into the daily routines of lower Humla, focusing on animal husbandry practices. © Vidyaman Thapa.

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