Our proposed project is aimed to ascertain the cetacean’s conservation status in Kien Giang Biosphere Reserve, as well as improve local people awareness on these animals.
Individual Ob31_ a easily distinguish Irrawaddy dolphin in KGBR.
This project is the first systematic cetacean survey which was conducted in South Viet Nam. Our project aimed to ascertain the cetacean’s conservation status in Kien Giang Biosphere Reserve (BR) by provide robust information on spatial distribution and abundance of cetaceans, study the relationship between cetacean and local communities in this area, as well as improve local people awareness on these animals.
The origin of our project is the urgent need of systematic pilot survey to assess the conservation status of cetaceans in Viet Nam, where very little work has been done on marine mammals. Like other developing country which have coast, the rapid growth of commercial fishing and coastal development pose a significant threat to coastal cetacean populations in Viet Nam. But, there is no systematic information on biodiversity, distribution or abundance to allow conservation status assessments. One great example for this issue is the case of Kien Giang (BR), one of few UNESCO designated protected areas in Viet Nam. Even through several endangered cetacean species such as Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris), Finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides)... have been recorded for this area, lacking of knowledge on cetacean status prevent any conservation action from taking place.
To archive our project main aims, we will conduct a boat-based survey in Kien Giang BR using established methodology to map species distribution and generate robust estimates of abundance. In combination, we will interviews local communities to collect additional data and raise awareness. Our results will give local authorities, government agencies and NGOs valuable information to develop cetacean conservation programmes and leave a legacy for future cetacean conservation initiatives in this area. Further than that, our project will encourage other scientific institutions and non-profit organizations to become involved in cetacean research and conservation in Vietnam.