Determination of the Degree of Vulnerability and Distribution Balkan Terrapin in Montenegro

19 Mar 2015 Skadarsko Lake, Montenegro, Europe Reptiles | Turtles

Vuk Iković

Other projects

25 Apr 2013

Checking the Distribution and Populations’ Status of the Highly Endangered Balkan Terrapin (Mauremys rivulata) in Montenegro

5 Mar 2018

Assessment of Demographic Structure and Protection Measures of the Balkan Terrapin (Mauremys rivulata) in Montenegro

Completely define presence of Balkan Terrapin at the Montenegrin coast and define structure, dynamics and threatening factors of the two populations (Herceg Novi and Kotor).


Project represents the second step in collecting the data with the purpose of protecting Balkan Terrapin within freshwater habitats, which are endangered due climate changes, drying out of the habitats in Mediterranean area and spillage of waste waters. Balkan Terrapin is on the List of protected plants and animals of Montenegro.

Within the results of the project two populations would be defined. The obtained data would show the vulnerability of the species and its habitats. Visiting the potential habitats including the ones with non-confirmed presence of Balkan Terrapin is also planned. At the end, education of the local population and additional initiatives for the protection of Balkan Terrapin and its habitats would take place. By collecting the data we plan to determine the distribution of this species in Montenegro and to create certain conditions for making an Action plan.

The activity of project will simplify the implementation process of Environmental Impact Assessment for every future project which examines the influence of construction projects on Balkan Terrain habitats. Achieving an agreement with the local and national authorities on including these issues for the development of an Action plan. This would archive further protection of some habitats at the national level.

Decision makers would be informed about all current problems at the meetings. All targeted groups (including local population) would get more informed about mentioned issues and its possible solutions by the projects web page, television and radio stations and promotional materials. Special attention would be paid to fishermen in informing them on the necessities of a more often control of their fishnets and fishhooks and for the exclusion of use of its certain types which are causing wounds or suffocation.

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