Evolution of Ecology Awareness through Protection of the Environment in the Ukrainian Carpathians
Supporting ill-maintained nature-protecting objects in Transcarpathian region by means of installing information/protecting signage inventory as well as implementing practices for planting deforested sites with relic conifers. Spreading populations of Pinus cembra, Taxus baccata and Laryx Decidua to amplify efforts for regenerating mixed coniferous woods and reducing Picea abies monocultural standing among mentioned endangered trees in Carpathians. Drawing public attention by holding volunteer action for seeding relic species, sharing practices via mass-media and social networks. Strengthening connections and partnership between NGOs, local administrations and state forestry authorities in way of popularisation forest recovery programmes instead of intensive harvesting.
Endangered species of Taxus Baccata.
Activity of institutions, law enforcement and NGOs after the Revolution led to intensified logging by principle “Take available – tomorrow late”. New policy, influenced by community, initiated prohibition of sanitary wood-harvesting in nature-protecting objects which has emerged vacuum for loggers. Subsistent lumber quantity is delivered from highly-productive areas in barely secured highlands.
Installing boundary sign.
Situation became severely complicated after adopting raw lumber export moratorium that’d been the most profitable trade ever. Unprecedented protests and campaigns arisen against eliminating reserved woods. FSC experts proved in 2000s devastating “sanitary” logging happened whereas real damages by insects or windfallen/broken trees exaggerated. Citizens realized themselves proprietary owners of national wealth and started uncompromised advocacy against loggers by blocking trucks/railways. ENPI/FLEGII experts stated export moratorium caused conifers’ contraband growth. Correspondingly tree species suffer way more, especially RedBook ones. No relic trees found at logging sites while it’s prohibited by the Criminal Code. Picea Alba domination implemented in 17th century as beneficial for fast reproduction resulted in forests drying, insects epidemics, massive windfalls. State must concentrate on mixed woods recreation right now to change situation in 100-200 years. Programme’s tactics “Reconnaissance by Fire” involves us deeper to discover more violation cases in Transcarpathia which demand scrutiny in highlands.