Intensified Community Environmental Conservation Project for Anyiko-Wetlands, Siaya County, Kenya

29 Jul 2016 North East Ugunja, Kenya, Africa Biodiversity | Education

Zephaniah Migeni Ajode

Other projects

20 Feb 2014

Community Environmental Conservation Project for Anyiko-Wetlands, Siaya County, Kenya I

26 May 2015

Community Environmental Conservation Project for Anyiko-Wetlands, Siaya County, Kenya II

Strengthening local community participation in eco-livelihoods improvement initiatives through construction of wetland community resource centre, enhance information sharing platform through development of a dynamic fast running project website and increase local community understanding on sustainable wetland farming practices through introduction of indigenous poultry keeping and climate smart agriculture technologies.

Based on the lessons learnt during the RSG 1 and 2 implementation, success of our projects heavily relied on strong riparian community participation at all project stages and we shall continue to involve them. They have been intensively capacity developed on their roles in the ecosystem conservation, sustainable wetlands products usage, waste management, agroforestry amongst other through which immense conservation benefits have been realized. Countering the existing conservation gaps including on-wetland-farming, over-harvesting papyrus, poaching amongst others squarely lies with introduction of sustainable alternatives proposed by locals which includes wetland resource center construction for promoting sustainable livelihoods and wetlands conservation practices, a multi-purpose space for the locals to promote and learn various sustainable practices, an office space for the Site Support Groups and Guides to promote ecotourism, showroom for displaying value added papyrus products, space for community trainings, meetings and conservation education. Around the center, will be demo-plots for climate smart farming and agroforestry using used plastic bottles and gulley bags to promote sustainable farming around the wetland for community learning, adoption, promote vegetation regeneration and resilience building. Site Support Groups, Papyrus user groups and Community mobilizers will be trained on resource mobilization, environmental entrepreneurship and income generating activities management to ensure centers initiatives sustainability, their livelihoods and wetlands conservation. Papyrus harvester heavily relying on the wetland will be equipped with indigenous poultry keeping skills and structures to provide an alternative for papyrus chopping, trained on kitchen gardening and marketing to sell their proceeds for income generation.

This project, through its integrated sustainable approach of wetland ecosystem conservation and livelihoods promotion will be imperative in the wetlands regeneration and protection of threatened papyrus endemic birds, amongst other wildlife species thus contributing to the realization of our long term goal of sustainable natural resource utilization, ecosystem rehabilitation and conservation.

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