
1871 projects

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South Africa

Lyle Vorsatz 24 May 2018

The Nursery Role of Mangrove Microhabitats at their Northern and Southern Distributional Limits: An Invertebrate and Fish Larval Perspective

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Dickson Boateng 24 May 2018

Conserving the Mangroves of Anomabo, Egya, Abandze and Saltpond to Promote Coastal Biodiversity, Livelihood and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change

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Patrick Jules Atagana 24 May 2018

Bat Community Response to Forest Loss and Habitat Conversion in Southern Cameroon I

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Angelamercy Baltazary 23 May 2018

Vigilance and Grass Regrowth under Wild and Domestic Herbivore Use in Ngorongoro, Tanzania

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Aemro Mekonnen Birhanu 23 May 2018

Distribution Pattern and Population Estimate of Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibious) in Ethiopia

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Abel MUSANA 23 May 2018

Human – Mountain Gorilla Conflict and Conservation Implications around the Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

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Congo (DRC)

Mushagalusa Batumike Rodrigue 4 May 2018

Forest Use by Local Communities and its Implication for Conservation: The Case of Lomami National Park in DRC

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Sylviane Volampeno 3 May 2018

Conservation of Threatened Lemurs in Andilambologno Forest, Western Madagascar: Biological Research, Habitat Restoration and Community Outreach

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Ssemwanga Mohammed 30 Apr 2018

Assessing Potential of Using Integrated-Ecological Management Systems in Rescuing, Regeneration, and Conservation of Critically-Endangered Bothriocline Species

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Jules Cesar Dushimimana 30 Apr 2018

Assessment of Major Factors Influencing Continuous Poaching and their Impact on the Conservation of Nyungwe National Park

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Samuel Ojelel 26 Apr 2018

Consolidating Community Efforts to Protect an Endangered cycad (Encephalartos macrostrobilus) in Lamwo District, Uganda

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Ezekiel Chebii 26 Apr 2018

Participatory Conservation of Emsos Swamp and its Catchment

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South Africa

David Wechuli 26 Apr 2018

Potential Impacts of Climatic Change on the Foraging Efficiency of Species of Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera)

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South Africa

Lucy Kemp 19 Apr 2018

The Mabula Ground Hornbill Project II

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Jackson Lyimo 16 Apr 2018

Assessment of Determinants that Influence Illegal Lion (Panthera leo) Killings in Dispersal Areas in Maasai Steppe Ecosystem

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Karim Abdelhai Eissa 16 Apr 2018

Long Term Conservation Planning and Practices for Some Threatened Plants in South Sinai, Egypt

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Emily Jepkorir Kiplagat 16 Apr 2018

Ethnobotany & Conservation: Incorporating Traditional Herbalists and Local Schools in the Management & Conservation of Medicinal Plants, Baringo County-Kenya

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Eméline Sêssi Pélagie Assede 11 Apr 2018

Degraded Habitat Restoration and Participatory Conservation Action Plan for Threatened Orchid Species in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve (Northern Benin)

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Jean Robertin Rasoloariniaina 6 Apr 2018

Endemic Fish Species Diagnostic in Lake Itasy Catchment Area - Towards a Conservation Strategy

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Congo (DRC)

Mathias D'haen 3 Apr 2018

Long-Term Conservation and Monitoring Actions of the Last Kordofan Giraffe in Garamba National Park, DRC

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Seidu Issah 3 Apr 2018

Freshwater Habitats and Odonata Conservation: Research and Community Education in Pra Basin, Southern Ghana

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Veryl Achieng 3 Apr 2018

Initiating and Consolidating Community Led Integrated Fish-Farming (Polyculture) to Promote Conservation of Endangered Fish in Lake Kanyaboli

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Joylene Jepkemoi Kanyaris 28 Mar 2018

Participatory Ethnobotanical Research on Succulent Plants of Lake Bogoria National Reserve, Rift Valley, Baringo, Kenya

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Dassou Gbewonmedea Hospice 26 Mar 2018

Reproductive Ecology and the Persistence of Ipomoea beninensis, an Endemic Plant Species in Benin

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Christopher Chesire 26 Mar 2018

Regeneration Potential of Kenya's Afromontane Forests, their Resilience amid High Anthropogenic Pressure and Possible Options for Silvicultural Intervention