
1871 projects

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Akwasi Anokye 26 Mar 2018

Status and Conservation of Mecistops cataphractus in the Obuasi Municipality I

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Côte d'Ivoire

Ahissa Laurent 21 Mar 2018

Diversity, Abundance and Conservation of Small Mammals in Tanoe-Ehy Swampy Forest Reserve, High Conservation Value Site in Côte d’Ivoire

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Thomas Kalama Mkare 21 Mar 2018

A First Look at Species Richness and Spatial Distribution Trends of Seahorses at Selected Sites along the Kenyan Coast

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Veronarindra Ramananjato 19 Mar 2018

Assessing the Importance of Madagascar’s Smallest Primates in Rain Forest Structure

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Micol Montagna 19 Mar 2018

TurtleWatch – Egypt: Photo Identification and Citizen Science-Based Marine Turtle Monitoring Program in the Egyptian Red Sea

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Namutebi Estellina 16 Mar 2018

Community Biodiversity Habitat: A Means of Restoring the Lost Habitat and Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation in Nalutuntu Sub-County

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Fatima Ramzy James 12 Mar 2018

Environmental Clubs and Tree Planting Campaigns as Tools to Mitigate Desertification and Loss of Biodiversity in Gombe State, North-Eastern Nigeria

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Alphonse Karenzi 12 Mar 2018

One Improved-Stove per Household Initiative to Enhance Forests Conservation

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Chefor Fotang 8 Mar 2018

Ecology and Behaviour of the Nigeria - Cameroon Chimpanzee in Kom-Wum Forest Reserve and Mbi Crater Kefem Landscape in the North- West Region of Cameroon

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Nziza Julius 8 Mar 2018

The Conservation of Diverse Bat Species (Mammalia:Chiroptera) in Volcanic Caves at Musanze District, Northern Rwanda

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Kingsley Bekoe Ansah 8 Mar 2018

Scaling Up Actions for the Conservation and Livelihood Support Arrangements for Securing Atewa Forest Reserve

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South Africa

Mariëtte Estelle Pretorius 7 Mar 2018

Land-Use Change Effects on the Space Use of Cave-Dwelling Bat Assemblages

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Matthias De Beenhouwer 6 Mar 2018

Unravelling Amphibian Diversity in Montane Rainforest Remnants of Southwest Ethiopia

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Zo Samuel Ella Fenosoa 6 Mar 2018

Effect of the Dispersal of the Mistletoe bakerella sp. By Frugivorous Lemurs on Plant Communities and Biodiversity in Eastern Rainforest of Madagascar

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Basma Sheta 5 Mar 2018

The Role of Constructed and Natural Reedbeds in Preserving Ecosystem and Biodiversity in Lake Manzala, Egypt

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Margaret Awuor Owuor 2 Mar 2018

Enhancing Community Awareness, Participation and Education in Environment Conservation and Management of Akara Hills, Kenya III

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South Africa

Morgan Pfeiffer 1 Mar 2018

Cape Vultures and Wind Energy: Unravelling the Effect of Threats and Possible Mitigating Measures

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Burkina Faso

Abel Kadeba 1 Mar 2018

Conservation of Three Local Species of Rocky Hills Vegetation Overexploited by Women to Decant the Local Beer (dolo or tchapalo) in Burkina Faso, Western Africa

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Houssein Samwell Kimaro 28 Feb 2018

Encroachment Dynamics of Acacia drepalonobium and Acacia seyal in Maswa Game Controlled Area

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Abebayehu Aticho 28 Feb 2018

Advance Community Based Conservation of Wattled Crane and Wetland Habitat in Jimma Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia

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Vilbert Vabi Vamuloh 26 Feb 2018

Understanding Farmer Motivations to Participate in Contract Farming: The Case of Oil Palm in Ghana

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Emma Gibbons 22 Feb 2018

Reef Doctor Fano (Marine Turtle) Project; Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Atsimo-Andrefana (South-West) Madagascar

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Pierre A. Mvogo Ndongo 21 Feb 2018

Conservation of the Re-Discovered Endangered Freshwater Crab Louisea balssi on Mount Manengouba in the Cameroon Highlands

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Andrew Chilombo 21 Feb 2018

Understanding Biodiversity and Socio-Economic Implications of Large Scale Land Acquisitions in Zambia: Case Study of Nansanga Farm Block

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Congo (DRC)

Balemba Emmanuel Balagizi 21 Feb 2018

Community Awareness Improvement and Habitat Restoration of Lyondji Community Bonobo Reserve