
1871 projects

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Hedegbetan Georges Codjo 14 Dec 2017

Status, Threats and Community-Based Restoration of the Critically Endangered Mansonia altissima in its Natural Habitat in South-Eastern Benin

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Serge Alexis Kamgang 11 Dec 2017

Characterization of the Nesting and Feeding Sites of Nigeria-Cameroon Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti, Matschie 1914) in Mbam and Djerem National Park: Implications for Population Monitoring

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Daniel Niyonsaba 6 Dec 2017

Perceptions of Local Communities about the Cause of the Extinction of Elephants in Nyungwe National Park (NNP), Rwanda

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Noumbissi Tenku 6 Dec 2017

Farmer-Supported Creation of Bat Sanctuary in the Ekona-Lelu Montane Forest

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Tshepo Moatswi 30 Nov 2017

Recruitment Rates, Habitat Selection and Diet of Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) in the Southern Kalahari, Botswana

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Andrews Agyekumhene 29 Nov 2017

Improving the Capacity of Fishing Communities to Actively Participate in Long-Term Sea Turtle Management in Ghana

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Nakiguli Fatumah 28 Nov 2017

Effect of Seasonal Weather and Anthropogenic Disturbances on Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi (AMF) Biodiversity in Mabira Tropical Rain Forest

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Titus Adhola 24 Nov 2017

Key Ecological Determinants of Depredation by Large Carnivores in Relation to Community Practices and Perceptions in Samburu, Northern Kenya

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Firas Hayder 23 Nov 2017

Distribution, Status and Conservation of the Libyan Striped Weasel (Ictonyx Libycus) in Tunisia

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Emmanuel Opoku Acheampong 22 Nov 2017

Landscape Approach for Reforestation and Farmers’ Livelihood Improvement in Rural Ghana: Working with the Locals

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Wilson Frank Maanga 20 Nov 2017

Promotion of Dovyalis caffra Live Fences for Reduction of Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Enduimet Wildlife Corridor (EWC), Kilimanjaro, Northern Tanzania

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Tutilo Mudumba 17 Nov 2017

Snares to Wares: Community Conservation through Improved Livelihoods

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Moses Odhiambo Abonga 15 Nov 2017

Connecting Local Baseline Knowledge for Conservation of Ramogi Hill Forest: A Collective Action of Indigenous Community

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Johnson Grayson Mshana 8 Nov 2017

Helping Jipe Communities to Protect Critically Endangered Jipe Tilapia Oreochromis jipe and Ecosystem in Lake Jipe Tanzania

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Michael Ansong 7 Nov 2017

Threat of Invasive Species to Biodiversity: Contribution of Motor Vehicles in their Introduction

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Méryas Dègbémabou Kouton 7 Nov 2017

Enhancing Strategy of Elephant Sustainable Conservation in Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari (BRP), Benin

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Raphael Reinegger 6 Nov 2017

The Feeding Competition between an Invasive Macaque Macaca fascicularis and the Mauritian Flying Fox Pteropus niger

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South Africa

Monique Shanahan 17 Oct 2017

Piloting the Development of Indicators to Assess and Monitor Bat Populations

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Yves P Gakunde 16 Oct 2017

Assessing the Relationship between Ecosystem Services and Socioeconomic Well-Being of Communities. Does Payment for Ecosystem Services Matter?

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Faith Chesire 3 Oct 2017

Towards Landscape Connectivity Enhancement for the Conservation on African Clawless Otter (Aonyx capensis) in Nyando Wetland, Kenya

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Fredrick Ojija 22 Sep 2017

Enhancing Ecological Habitat for Critically Endangered Long-Billed Tailorbird (Artisornis moreaui) Through Community Empowerment in Nilo Nature Reserve,Tanzania

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Stephanie Brittain 19 Sep 2017

Robust Wildlife Population Monitoring Under Challenging Conditions

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Fominka Tajoacha Nestor 19 Sep 2017

Comparative Assessment of the Perception and Conservation Prospects of Nocturnal Primates in and Around Mount Cameroon National Park

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Trokon Saykpa 13 Sep 2017

Support for Community-Based Marine Turtle Monitoring and Conservation Education Project along the Liberian Bassa Coastline

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Paul Mboya Tuda 8 Sep 2017

Adapting Community-Based Approaches in Assessment of Fisheries for Improved Management of Artisanal Fisheries in Kenya