
1871 projects

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Peninah Aloo Obudho 16 Feb 2018

Promotion of Environmental Conservation through a Botanical Garden and Establishment of Environmental Clubs

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Jennifer Awuah Owusua 15 Feb 2018

Developing a Spatial Database of Bat-bushmeat Hunting and Trade to Enhance Conservation Planning and Disease Surveillance in Southern Ghana

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Mohamed Abdelaal Lotfy Sadek 13 Feb 2018

Distribution Patterns and Conservation Status Assessment of Exclusive Endemic Vascular Plant Taxa in Matrouh Governorate, Egypt

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Vestine Ingabire 2 Feb 2018

Assessment of Abundance, Distribution and Threats on Prunus africana in Rwanda

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Laura Rebecca Perry 2 Feb 2018

Thinking Makes It So: A Psychological Approach to Livestock Management and Human-Carnivore Conflict

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Charles J. Kilawe 29 Jan 2018

Conserving a Critically Endangered Gecko Lygodactylus williamsi Through Maximizing Ecotourism and Habitat Restoration of the Kimboza Forest Reserve, Tanzania

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South Africa

Camille Jacques-Armand Fritsch 29 Jan 2018

Hippos as Ecosystem Engineers: Habitat Use, Ecology and Behaviour of Hippos

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Christine Rose Coppinger 29 Jan 2018

Understanding Pollinator Diversity and Ecology, and the Impacts of Wild Honeybee Exploitation in Subtropical Africa

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Tarisai Nyamucherera 25 Jan 2018

Conservation Horticulture for the Encephalartos Chimanimaniensis, a Critically Endangered Cycad in Zimbabwe

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Côte d'Ivoire

Soro Nicodenin Angele 22 Jan 2018

Role of Bees in the Survival of Savanna Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Comoé National Park (Côte d’Ivoire)

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Dereje Tesfaye Delkaso 19 Jan 2018

Conservation Threats of Colobus guereza gallarum in Southeastern Parts of Its Ranges in Ethiopia

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Upendo Lufingo Msalilwa 19 Jan 2018

Assessment of the Status of African Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) Populations and their Ethno-Botanical Importance in Tanzania I

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Lovasoa Manuelle Sylviane Rakotozafy 18 Jan 2018

Distribution, Abundance and Gene Flow of a Critically Endangered Frog Micro-Endemic to Ankaratra Massif: Boophis williamsi

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Tsetagho Guilain 17 Jan 2018

Assessing the Conservation Status of Threatened Avifauna of Mount Manengouba, Cameroon

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Seguya Henry Kizito 16 Jan 2018

Replicating Lessons Learnt and Integrating Livelihoods into on Farm Biodiversity Conservation through Cultural Values Approaches

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Burkina Faso

François Wenemi Kagambega 16 Jan 2018

Rebuilding Resilience in the “Zippelés” Landscapes in Northern Burkina Faso for Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Development

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Central African Republic

Janika Wendefeuer 12 Jan 2018

Camera Trapping in Dzanga Sangha Protected Areas, Central African Republic

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Mfombo Didacus Tamambang 9 Jan 2018

Consolidating Diet, Foraging Behavior and Conservation Actions of Bannerman’s Turaco in the Bamenda Highland Forest (BHF)

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Dorah Mbogo 9 Jan 2018

Engendering Conservation: Gender-Responsive Approach in Restoring Habitat for Globally Endangered Bird Anthus sokokensis in Ruvu-South Coastal Forest, Tanzania

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Abi Henry Nibam 8 Jan 2018

Beach Patrols for Marine Turtle Nesting Stock Estimation in the Atlantic Coastline of Ebodje, Cameroon

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Engedasew Andarge Ergete 2 Jan 2018

Diet Composition and Habitat characterization of Otters (Aonyx capensis and Hydrictis macullicolis) in Lake Hawassa and Lake Ziway, Ethiopia

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Martin Odino 2 Jan 2018

Identifying the Drivers of Intentional Wild Bird Poisoning and Providing Sustainable Alternatives to Wild Bird Poaching and Consumption

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Genevieve Finerty 2 Jan 2018

Walk the Line: Combining Traditional San Tracking Skills and Modern Technology to Monitor Animal Movement across a Protected Area Boundary

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Emma Baah Agyapong 18 Dec 2017

Conservation of Community Forest Fragments in the Transitional Zone of Ghana

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South Africa

Dylan Michael Jacklin 18 Dec 2017

Use of Plant Species within Critically Endangered Renosterveld for Phytoremediation of Glyphosate (Roundup) and Fertilizers, Conserving South Africa's Freshwater Systems