Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Kristen Marie Lear 26 Apr 2018

Bats, Agaves, and People: Filling Critical Knowledge Gaps and Building Local Capacity to Conserve the Endangered Mexican Long-Nosed Bat and its Foraging Habitat

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Gustavo Henrique de Paula Abrantes 26 Apr 2018

Nitrogen Fixation of Epilithic Cyanobacteria Biofilms: Another Reason to Protect the Brazilian Uplands

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Diego Ricardo Méndez Mojica 19 Apr 2018

Movement Ecology and Conservation of the King Vulture in the Andes of Central Bolivia

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Sofía Nanni 18 Apr 2018

Influence of Humans and Domestic Animals on Vertebrate Trophic Cascades in Forest Remnants of the Argentine Chaco: Implications for their Long-Term Conservation

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Costa Rica

Sofia Calvo Rodriguez 16 Apr 2018

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Tropical Dry Forest Soil

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André Costa Pereira 16 Apr 2018

Land Use Effects on Demographic Performance of Caiman Crocodilus in the Araguaia Floodplain

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Rodrigo de Macêdo Mello 11 Apr 2018

Landscape Structure Shaping Multi-Trophic Interactions among Plants, Bats and Ectoparasites in a Fragmented Tropical Forest Mosaic

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Luz I. Loria 11 Apr 2018

White-Faced Monkey Conservation in Agro-Systems: Investigating Crop-Raiding Patterns in Maize Fields and Farmer’s Perception in South-Western Panama

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Jessica Durán Antonio 11 Apr 2018

Effect of Grazing and Co-Occurrence Species on the Occupancy of Carnivore Mammals at the Mapimi Biosphere Reserve, Mexico


Diana Alexandra Pazmino Jaramillo 11 Apr 2018

Galapagos Sharks: Developing Traceability Markers to Identify the Origin of Illegal Shark Fishing


Albérico Queiroz Salgueiro de Souza 11 Apr 2018

Assessing the Effects of Landscape-Scale Deforestation on Phyllostomid Bat Assemblages in Brazilian Atlantic Forest Landscapes

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Sílvia Laine Borges Lúcio 6 Apr 2018

Impacts of Swidden Cultivation on Cerrado’s Swamp Forests: The Case of Jalapão Region, Central, Brazil

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Mayara Vescovi Assis 6 Apr 2018

Implications of Intraspecific Functional Variability to Stress Resistance and Response Capability to Environmental Changes in Brazilian High-Altitude Grasslands

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Lucas Bianchi 6 Apr 2018

Climate Change in Northern Patagonia: Influence of Environmental Conditions on Fitzroya cupressoides (alerce patagónico) Growth Patterns

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Emerenciano Rivera 6 Apr 2018

Non-Traditional Conservation Schemes To Protect Pine-Oak Forests and Habitats for Endangered Migratory and Resident Bird Species in Chiapas Mexico

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Enzo Aliaga Rossel 28 Mar 2018

Promoting Well-Managed, Educational River Dolphin Watching as a Positive Conservation Tool and New Source of Income for Amazon Communities. Part II

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Marcelle Barboza Pacheco Cardoso 21 Mar 2018

Isolated Trees as a Tool for Large-Scale Restoration of Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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Martín de Jesús Cervantes López 21 Mar 2018

Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles in a Tropical Biodiversity Hotspot: The Importance of Landscape Patterns

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Leandro Do Nascimento 19 Mar 2018

Soundscapes and Interspecific Animal Communication in the Amazon


Fernando Montiel-Reyes 15 Mar 2018

Insect Suppression Services by Insectivorous Bats on Walnut Crops of Chihuahua, Mexico

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Inajara Marques Bezerra Oliveira 14 Mar 2018

Conservation of Spawning Aggregation Phenomenon in the Threatened Brazilian Coast

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Helder Coelho Guabiroba Jr 6 Mar 2018

Effects of Different Levels of Environmental Protection upon the Local Distribution of Reef Fishes: Does Human Presence Alter Reef Fish Community Structure?

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Felipe de Moraes Carvalho 28 Feb 2018

Marine Ecosystem Impacts of Fisheries in Brazil

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Camilo Loaiza 27 Feb 2018

Demographic Variation of the Bird Species Barred Antshrike (Thamnophilus doliatus) in Habitats with Different Quality in a Tropical Dry Forest

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Eugenia Cordero Schmidt 27 Feb 2018

Nectar-Feeding Bats: Habitat and Resource Limitations in a Seasonal Tropical Dry Forest of Brazil and Inputs for their Conservation