Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Carlos Herney Caceres Martínez 27 Feb 2018

Use of the Andean Bear and Puma for the Elaboration of a Model of Connectivity among the Tamá, Cocuy, Pisba NNP and the Guanenta SFF in the Eastern of Colombia

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Justin H Baumann 21 Feb 2018

Continuing Research on Coral Acclimatization on the Belize Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System

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Teddy Angarita 13 Feb 2018

Category Reassessment, Occupation Modelling, and Extinction Rate Estimation of Pandi’s Mushroomtongue Salamander, Bolitoglossa Pandi in the Andes of Colombia

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Oscar Israel Sánchez Luna 9 Feb 2018

Evaluation of the Restoration of a Freshwater Swamp in Tecolutla, Veracruz, México

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Wander Oliveira Godinho 7 Feb 2018

Conservation Acts and Educational Results: Protecting our Local Ecosystems

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Sabine Juliette Cudney Valenzuela 6 Feb 2018

Effect of Landscape Structure on Canopy Structure and Arboreal Mammals

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Pedro Henrique Cipresso Pereira 25 Jan 2018

Zoning, Conservation and Research of a Threatened Coral Reef Complex in the North-Eastern Brazil III

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Nereyda Falconí López 22 Jan 2018

Andean Bear Distribution and Land Use Change Implications for Populations in Peru

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Jose Fernando Moreira Ramirez 19 Jan 2018

Conservation of an Endangered Social Species: The White-Lipped Peccary (Tayassu pecari) in a Community Forestry Concession in the Maya Biosphere Reserve

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Roberto-Emiliano Trejo-Salazar 17 Jan 2018

Leptonycteris yerbabuenae in a Natural Experiment for Conservation: Contribution with Bat Friendly Tequila Production

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Alejandro Reyes Gonzalez 12 Jan 2018

Diversity, Local Knowledge and Management of Stingless Bees (Apidae: Meliponini) in Michoacan, Mexico, Strategies for Conservation

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Manuel Leonardo Fonseca Aldana 8 Jan 2018

Arthropod Dietary Variation in Highland Woolly Monkeys: Identification Using Genetic Barcodes and High Throughput Sequencing

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Alerick Pacay 2 Jan 2018

Tackling Environmental Threats through Community Service Campaigns! – Teachers and Students of the Guatemalan Caribbean Take Action towards Nature

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Carlos Mauricio Delgado Martínez 2 Jan 2018

Ecological Role of Small Water Deposits (Sartenejas) to Conserve Tropical Forest Vertebrates in the Calakmul Region, México

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Lucas Nicioli Bandeira 20 Dec 2017

The Role of Ecological Niche Evolution on the Diversification of Neotropical Tree Frogs and Potential Impacts of Climate Change

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Canek Rivera Arroyo 12 Dec 2017

Density Estimation and Distribution of the White-Crowned Parrot (Pionus senilis): A Threatened Species

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Isabel Melo Vasquez 11 Dec 2017

Threshold of Species Loss in the Cerrado Hotspot

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Azarys Paternina Hernández 4 Dec 2017

Distribution and Evaluation of Threats of the Amphibians in the Sanctuary of Fauna and Flora Guanentá - Alto Río Fonce, Colombia

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María Inés Pereda 4 Dec 2017

Colony Guardians and Predator Exclusions to Protect Saffron-Cowled Blackbirds Populations in Argentina

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Giulliana Appel 30 Nov 2017

Activity of Aerial Insectivorous Bats in Response to Climate Conditions, Prey-Predator Interaction and Moonlight Intensity in Amazon Fragmented Environment

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Alfonsina Arriaga Jiménez 29 Nov 2017

Dung Beetles in Oaxaca: Biodiversity and the Importance of Communities for its Conservation

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Angela Maria Maldonado Rodriguez 28 Nov 2017

Bi-National Strategy for the Conservation of the Genus Aotus at the Colombian – Peruvian Border

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Héctor Emilio Ramírez Chaves 28 Nov 2017

The State of Knowledge of Small Endemic Mammals of Colombia

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Mireya Carrillo Garcia 23 Nov 2017

Reinforcement for Community Bird Monitoring in a Ramsar Site in Chiapas, Mexico

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María Elvira Casagranda 23 Nov 2017

Future Scenarios of Lithium Mining Expansion and Conservation of the Argentine Puna Wetlands