Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Constanza Schapheer Carrasco 18 Jan 2017

Molukia Project: The Ecosystem Role of Native Cockroaches in the Chilean Matorral: Research, Education and Outreach as an Integrated Conservation Strategy

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Laia Juliana Muñoz Abril 16 Jan 2017

Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) between Ecuador and México

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Daniela Haro 16 Jan 2017

Characterization of the Food Web in the Francisco Coloane Marine Area, Chile: Trophic Role of the Humpback Whale and of their Principal Preys

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Mariana Pereyra 3 Jan 2017

Conservation of a Biodiversity Reservoir of Espinal Forest: A Big Forest Fragment Immersed in a Green Soybean Desert

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Gilson de Souza Ferreira Neto 23 Dec 2016

Soil Fertility and the Composition of the Medium and Large Mammal’s Assemblages on the River Islands of Anavilhanas National Park, Amazonas, Brazil

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Mayara Dantas Guimarães Beltrão 20 Dec 2016

Space Use and Occupancy Patterns of Carnivora and Small Mammal Communities in Mosaic Areas of Atlantic Forest and Sugarcane Plantations in North-Eastern Brazil

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Angela María Mendoza 19 Dec 2016

Announcement Calls of Glass Frogs as Key for Monitoring Biodiversity of the Chocoan Rainforest

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Andre Monnerat Lanna 14 Dec 2016

Conservation of the Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) Along the Altitudinal Gradient in a Biodiversity Corridor

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Costa Rica

Marc Ward 13 Dec 2016

Punta Pargos Marine Turtle Conservation Project 2016-17

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Thalya Gabriela López Méndez 1 Dec 2016

A Marine World for Conservation Program Involving Children, with Focus on Sharks and Rays at Livingston, Guatemala

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Olivia Beatriz Moraes Dias de Aguiar 28 Nov 2016

Agrobiodiversity and Ethnopedology in the Yawalapíti Indigenous Territory: Alternatives for the Pallushayu´s Women’s House

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Paula Leticia Perrig 25 Nov 2016

Multitrophic Links in the High Andes: Importance of the Puma-Vicuña Interaction for the Conservation of Andean Condors

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Alejandro Ganesh Marin Mendez 25 Nov 2016

Large-Scale Mammal Community Assessment within the Janos Biosphere Reserve, Chihuahua, Mexico

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Heloisa Dantas Brum 22 Nov 2016

Ecological Basis for Sustainable Extractivism IIin the Amazon

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Antonio Takahiro Ruiz Sakamoto 18 Nov 2016

Movements, Residency and Estaptial Utilization of the Giant Manta, Manta Birostris, in Bahia de Banderas, Mexico

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Paola Lorena Carrion-Aviles 17 Nov 2016

The Use of Formic Acid for Controlling Galapagos Land Bird Nest Infestation by the Avian Parasitic Fly (Philornis Downsi): An Experimental Study

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Robert Lamb 16 Nov 2016

Assessment and Mitigation of the Effects of the 2015-16 El Niño Event on Reef Fishes of the Galapagos Islands

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Gabriel Laufer 11 Nov 2016

Water Reservoirs as Habitat for Amphibians: Promoting Conservation by Controlling Bullfrog Invasion in Aceguá, Cerro Largo, Uruguay

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Omar Antonio Hernández Dávila 9 Nov 2016

Influence of Structure and Composition of Riparian Strips and Isolated Trees of the Cloud Forest on the Seed-Dispersing Frugivorous Bird Community

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Justin H Baumann 2 Nov 2016

Continuing Research on Coral Acclimatization on the Belize Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System

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Melina Velasco 1 Nov 2016

Conserving the Threatened Laguna-Raimunda Frog (Atelognathus reverberii) at the Somuncura Plateau, Argentina

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Michelle Ivonne Ramos Robles 1 Nov 2016

Monitoring Ecological Interactions to Create Awareness of Tropical Ecosystem Conservation

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Fabio Leonardo Meza Joya 24 Oct 2016

Assessing Roadkill Events to Reduce Wildlife Mortality in Roads of the Mid-Magdalena Valley, Colombia: Mammals as Study Case

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Tainá Sherlakyann Alves Pessoa 21 Oct 2016

Conservation of Large and Medium Size Mammals in Biodiverstiy-Friendly Agricultural Systems of the Brazilian Caatinga

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Natalia Mesa-Sierra 18 Oct 2016

Natural Capital of the Tropical Dry Region of Veracruz