Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Eli Christian 18 Oct 2016

Bringing Back the Galapagos Racer to Its Former Historical Range on Floreana Island

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Vania Carolina Fonseca da Silva 4 Oct 2016

Comparative Conservation Genetics of Giant and Neotropical Otters in Central Brazilian Amazon Basin

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Alvaro García Olaechea 3 Oct 2016

Interpretation Centre and Wildlife Conservation in the Noroeste Biosphere Reserve, Peru

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Pablo Gervasio Grilli 29 Sep 2016

Towards the Conservation of the Critically Endangered Copper-Lizard (Pristidactylus casuhatiensis) in Pampean Hills of Argentina

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Micaela Camino 29 Sep 2016

Conserving the Last Chacoan Peccaries and their Habitats as a Strategy for Conserving the Dry Chaco

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Yliana Delfín Fuentes 29 Sep 2016

Stingless Beekeeping School: Conserving Stingless Bees through Capacity-Building Workshops in Chiapas, Mexico

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Jorge Mario Becoche Mosquera 29 Sep 2016

Registering the Presence of Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in an Andean Forest on the Western Slopes of the Central Cordillera, Totoró-Cauca, Colombia

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Carla Roberta Gonçalves Reis 29 Sep 2016

Impacts of Anthropogenic Fertilization on Nitrogen Dynamics in Fringe and Basin Mangrove Forests in the Estuarine-Lagunar Complex of Cananeia-Iguape, Brazil

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Liliana Cadavid Florez 16 Sep 2016

The Role of Isolated Trees in Conservation: Effects of Landscape Structure on Bird Movements, Seed Rain and Connectivity in Lowland Pastures of Veracruz, Mexico

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Anuar D. Hernández 16 Sep 2016

Interactions between Jaguars and their Principal Prey in Northeast Mexico

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Atilla Ferreguetti 7 Sep 2016

Density Estimates of Four Primates Species in the Vale Natural Reserve, Espirito Santo State, Brazil

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Sofía Zalazar 6 Sep 2016

The Bare-Faced Curassow (Crax fasciolata) as Flagship Species: Its Study and Conservation as Strategy to Protect the Riparian Forest Habitat in Humid Chaco

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Karolina Riaño 2 Sep 2016

Soil Quality and Biotic Factors Related to the Invasion of Pteridium sp. in the Lacandon Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem in México

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David A. Prieto-Torres 23 Aug 2016

Maximizing Species Protection in the Zulia State under Global Climatic Change: Bridging Species Richness and Priorities Conservation for Bird Communities

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Costa Rica

Annie Koehler Clift 23 Aug 2016

Sea Turtle Nesting Conservation and Beach Protection Project Led by Local Artisanal Fisherman at Bejuco Beach, Costa Rica

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Alfonsina Arriaga Jiménez 22 Aug 2016

Diversity of Dung Beetles in High Mountains of Oaxaca

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Stephanie J. Rousso 16 Aug 2016

Building Capacity for a Community-Based Marine Turtle Conservation Model

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Gabriel Melo Alves dos Santos 15 Aug 2016

Unravelling The Biology and Conservation Needs of the Newly Described River Dolphin, Inia araguaiaensis in the Tocantins River, Amazonia

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Thiago Orsi Laranjeiras 25 Jul 2016

Occurrence Limits and Priority Areas for Conservation of Threatened Birds in Amazonian Flooded Forests

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Viviane Zulian 14 Jul 2016

Monitoring and Conservation of the Vinaceous Parrot in Western Santa Catarina, Brazil

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Elie Antoine Padonou 11 Jul 2016

Involving Local Community in Conservation of Termite Mounds on Bowé in Benin, West Africa

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Cayman Islands

Jeanette Moss 7 Jul 2016

Recent Trends in Recruitment and Environmental Limiting Factors for the Sister Islands Rock Iguana, Cyclura nubila caymanensis

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Tomás Rivas Fuenzalida 6 Jul 2016

Monitoring Network of Threatened Raptors in Southern South America

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Gerardo E. Soto 5 Jul 2016

The Use of the Magellanic Woodpecker Campephilus magellanicus as a Forest Health Indicator of the Threatened Valdivian Temperate Rainforest

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Flavia Alejandra Montaño Centellas 5 Jul 2016

Mixed-Species Flocks and Climate Change: Towards a More Mechanistic Understanding of Avian Social Systems