
319 projects

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Carlos Werner Hackradt 30 Apr 2014

Population Status, Genetic Structure and the Need of Conservation Measures for a Brazilian Endemic and Endangered Species of Parrotfish: Scarus trispinosus

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Felipe Ennes Silva 19 Mar 2014

Behavioral Ecology and Conservation of White Uakaries (Cacajao calvus calvus) in Amazon

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Angelica Cristina Gouveia Nunes 19 Mar 2014

Tourism with Amazon River Dolphins (Inia geoffrensis): Behavioural Changes and Acoustic Characteristics of Aggregations in Negro River

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Milena Delatorre Nunes 17 Feb 2014

Conserving Anuran and Aquatic Plants in Livestock-Dominated Brazilian Wetland Landscapes

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Naylien Barreda Leyva 17 Feb 2014

Science-Community: The Conservation of Snakes from Fazenda Barra do ETA, Atlantic Forest, São Paulo, Brazil

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Milton José de Paula 7 Jan 2014

Fauna Game and Hunting Sustainability in Xerente Indigenous Land, Brazilian Cerrado

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Ana Filipa Mateus Ramos Marques Palmeirim 7 Jan 2014

Ecological Impacts of an Archipelagic Landscape Induced by a Hydroelectric Dam on the Local Communities of Small Mammals in the Central Brazilian Amazon

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Andrea Larissa Boesing 7 Jan 2014

Conservation of Avian Biodiversity and Avian Ecosystem Services across Dynamics Forest-Farm Interfaces in the Threatened Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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Aline Cavalcante de Souza 17 Dec 2013

The Distribution and Abundance of the Keystone Palm Euterpe edulis along an Altitudinal Gradient in the Atlantic Forest Hotspot

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Natália dos Santos Mamede 10 Dec 2013

Improving Conservation of the Guiana Dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in a Heavily Impacted Coastal Habitat in Brazil

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Nina Attias 15 Nov 2013

Ecology of Armadillos (Mammalia: Cingulata) in the Pantanal Wetlands of Brazil

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Julia Dombroski 6 Nov 2013

Talking About Conservation: Sound Production of Southern Right Whales in Brazil

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Fernanda Teixeira Saturni 6 Nov 2013

Effects of Landscape Composition on Biodiversity and Pollination in Coffee Plantations in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Implications for Conservation

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Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira 31 Oct 2013

How Do Matrix-Habitat Types Influence Edge Effects? Ecological Perspectives of Local Farmers and Applied Field Study on Frogs at Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest

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Pedro Henrique Cipresso Pereira 11 Sep 2013

Zoning, Conservation and Research of a Threatened Coral Reef Complex in the Northeastern Brazil I

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Talitha da Cunha Pires 5 Aug 2013

Extinction Debt in the Bird Community in the Amazonian "Arc of Deforestation": An Opportunity for Biodiversity Conservation

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Ricardo Miranda 23 May 2013

Invasive Cup Coral in Coral Reef of the Todos os Santos Bay (TSB): Effects of Interspecific Competition in the Native Coral Community and Management Actions

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Mariana Bueno Landis 13 Mar 2013

Effects of Hunting and Population Density of Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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Hugo Cardoso de Moura Costa 18 Jan 2013

Ecology and Conservation of the Jaguar Panthera onca at the Cristalino State Park in Southern Amazon

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Ana Carolina Moreira Martins 17 Dec 2012

Phyllostomid Bats in Amazonian Fragmented Landscapes: A Multiple Scales Approach

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Barbara de Queiroz Carvalho Zimbres 20 Nov 2012

The Use of Riparian Corridors by Terrestrial Medium-Sized and Large-Bodied Mammals in Fragmented Landscapes in the Southern Amazon

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Heloisa Dantas Brum 26 Oct 2012

Conservation and Management of Community-Based Agriculture and Non-Timber Forest Products of Piagaçu-Purus Sustainable Development Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil

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Ana Carolina Meirelles 15 Oct 2012

Ecology and Conservation of the Antillean Manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) on Timonha and Ubatuba Estuary

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Christine Steiner Sao Bernardo 11 Sep 2012

Searching for the Endangered Red-Billed Curassow in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest

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Rubana Palhares Alves 3 Sep 2012

Understanding the Relationship between Local Human Populations and Federal Marine Protected Areas of Santa Catarina - Brazil