
319 projects

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Douglas de Matos Dias 20 Jan 2016

Anthropic Influence on the Occupation Probability of Carnivores in the Caatinga Biome, Northeast Brazil

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Sara Lucía Colmenares Trejos 4 Jan 2016

Functional Trait Approaches to Understand Ecological Processes of Palm Species along an Altitudinal Variation Gradient in Threatened Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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Ilaíne Silveira Matos 17 Dec 2015

Vulnerability of High Altitude Grasslands to Extreme Drought Events: The Role of Facilitation, Alternative Sources of Water and Functional Diversity

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Wander Oliveira Godinho 14 Dec 2015

Conservation Plan for the Estuary of Mundaú River – Brazil

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Everton Bernardo Pereira de Miranda 14 Dec 2015

Building a Conservation Strategy for the Harpy Eagle in Amazon Forest I

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Pedro Henrique Cipresso Pereira 26 Nov 2015

Zoning, Conservation and Research of a Threatened Coral Reef Complex in the Northeastern Brazil II

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Vagner Aparecido Cavarzere Junior 21 Sep 2015

How Censuses in a Highly Fragmented and Undersampled Region Might Corroborate Mass Extinctions of Endemic Bird Species in Half the State of São Paulo, Brazil

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Heloisa Dantas Brum 5 Aug 2015

Ecological Basis for Sustainable Extractivism in the Amazon I

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José Neiva Mesquita Neto 3 Aug 2015

Conservation of the Relationship between Bees and Plants Pollinated by Vibration

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Anderson Saldanha Bueno 28 Jul 2015

Ecological Impacts of River Damming on Forest Bird Assemblages in the Brazilian Amazon

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Elildo Alves Ribeiro de Carvalho Júnior 15 May 2015

Using Unmanned Aircraft System to Monitor Protected Areas and Survey Wildlife in Brazil

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Juan Pablo Torres-Florez 14 May 2015

Atlantic Rainforest Habitat Fragmentation and Habitat Quality: Effects on the Functional Connectivity of a Forest Dependent Frog Species

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Xavier Arnan Viadiu 7 May 2015

Chronic Anthropogenic Disturbance in the Caatinga: Effects on Ant-Mediated Ecosystem Services and their Vulnerability to Climate Change

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Silvana Sita 26 Mar 2015

Tracking Released Black Horned Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus nigritus) in Southern Brazil: Evidences for Future Decisions

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Pietro de Oliveira Scarascia 26 Mar 2015

Community Structure of Medium and Large Mammals in Mosaic of Fruit Production, Forestry and Remaining Atlantic Forest

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Ricardo Miranda 19 Mar 2015

Assessment of Management Actions and Impacts of Invasive Cup Coral on Ecological Processes (Recruitment and Herbivory) in Brazilian Coral Reef

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Natalia Camps Pimenta 19 Mar 2015

Recolonization by Giant Otters of Lakes in Indigenous Lands in North-West Amazonia: Participatory Research with Baniwas People of the Upper Rio Negro, Brazil

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Ana Carolina Antunes 9 Feb 2015

Seed Carpets in Amazon Flooded Forests - A Key Seasonal Resource for Rainforest Mammals

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José Wagner Ribeiro Junior 5 Jan 2015

Stream-Dwelling Anuran Metacommunity Structure and Dynamics in the Atlantic Rainforest: An Approach that Accounts for Species Imperfect Detection

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André Becker Simões Saidenberg 27 Nov 2014

Rewilding Endangered Parrots in Brazil – The Vinaceous Amazon

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Maíra Proietti 23 Oct 2014

Identification and Genetic Characterisation of Immature Hybrid Sea Turtles in Brazil

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Izabela Menezes Barata 22 Aug 2014

Monitoring the Effects of Climate Change of a Threatened Mountaintop Amphibian Population

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Tatiane Micheletti Ribeiro Silva 28 Jul 2014

Management of Invasive Species in Islands: The Case of the Rock Cavy in Fernando De Noronha, Brazil

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Tainá Sherlakyann Alves Pessoa 2 May 2014

Structure and Conservation Status of Alouatta belzebul (Linnaeus, 1766) and Sapajus flavius (Schreber, 1774) Populations in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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Marina Albuquerque Regina de Mattos Vieira 30 Apr 2014

Interactions Between Hunters and Wildlife in the Use of Salt Licks at the SDR Piagaçu-Purus, Amazonas State, Brazil